Juuh, olen tosiaan aktivoitunut kansainvälisillä blogeilla ja tämän takia koen tarvetta postata vähän englanniksi...

Lately I have been activated internationally and since that, I need to write something in english. I love to stitch and last month I have been taking part in KYH (start new project between 1-26th of June and finish them all at the end of July). This will be only dream to me, because we are moving at this month and it seems I need to do some packaging instead of stitches!

I'm 28 year old mom of two princess and wife. I stay at home in summer and by winter are studying my second occupation. By nights I stitch and do other crafts sometimes, like knitting, beading, spinning etc.

I like to stitch, read and cook. I like to stitch different things, from miniatyre size to really big. Lately more often smalls, they finish sometimes.

I stitch better than I take pics, feel really, really sorry for that. I quess you even more than I :)

Have a super day, thanks for dropping by!
